An optimal blog marketing strategy involves a mixture of paid and organic advertising. Whether you want to earn revenue from affiliate marketing links or you want to promote other products/services, here are 3 helpful and cost-free ways to attract... (Read More)
Appropriate hashtag use is more of a skill than a guessing game. But all too often, marketers underestimate the importance of hashtags and simply slap a few relevant words onto their Instagram posts and hope for the best. If you're marketing your... (Read More)
When it comes to lead generation, simply asking for people to give you their names and contact information will result in few, if any, leads. You need to make it a win-win scenario by offering a valuable item or opportunity (such as a free white... (Read More)
Research has shown that red is one of the most persuasive colors when it comes to influencing consumer behavior. Among the many studies conducted on the psychology of colors, red has been shown to increase an athlete's chances of winning (compared... (Read More)
It seems like everyone is hosting contests on social media these days, but some of them are surprisingly ineffective. You'd think users would pounce on any opportunity to get free stuff or recognition, but sometimes, contests fizzle out shortly... (Read More)
Whether you're new to landing page development or a seasoned pro, there's always room to grow your skills as a marketer. Here are some common mistakes people make with landing pages that could be killing conversions:
TMI! Online visitors have... (Read More)
According to researcher and author Dr. Robert Cialdini, there are six proven methods of persuasion that can be used to influence others: Reciprocity, scarcity, consistency, authority, likability, and social proof. When it comes to marketing, these... (Read More)
Did you know that many of the most successful Super Bowl commercials of all time have featured animals? There's a good reason for that. In our pet-centric society, animals have a way of eliciting a positive emotional reaction in people. In fact, a... (Read More)
Whether you're trying to gain more followers for your social media channels or want to encourage social users to click on a link, there are several ways to improve your marketing campaign's chances of success. Here are four of the best strategies... (Read More)