All too often, marketers overlook minor but nevertheless important segments of their target audience without even realizing it. For instance, if you sell informational products only in text form, how could someone who is blind access your... (Read More)
As if lightning-fast internet access, voice activated smart home technologies, and AI-run customer service weren't enough, there are several technological developments going on these days that could transform marketing and social media as we know... (Read More)
Most brands conduct thorough target audience research when they're first starting out, but not as many brands regularly check in with their target audience to see if consumer preferences and motivations have changed.
Even if you're a smaller... (Read More)
Social media marketing practices are always changing, but there still remain some persistent problems that some marketers can't seem to give up on. If you're concerned about potentially driving away your followers with well-intentioned but poorly... (Read More)
The average attention span of an adult is shorter than ever, which makes it all the more challenging for social media marketers to capture their target audience's attention while they're swiftly scrolling through their newsfeeds.
To compete with... (Read More)
The winter holidays are just around the corner, which means the holiday shopping season is already underway. Online shopping is expected to grow as much as 4 percent this season, according to the National Retail Federation, so it's crucial for... (Read More)
When it comes to data analyses of posts with and without images, results appear to be mixed on whether or not an image truly increases engagement on social media. There are obviously multiple factors involved - the relevancy of your copy, the... (Read More)
When it comes to the way you use hashtags in social media posts, what does your brand's strategy look like? Do you use as many hashtags as possible, no hashtags at all, or something in between? Although the use of hashtags is not a perfect science... (Read More)
Fear appeals refer to emotionally-provocative forms of communication that psychologically motivate consumers to make purchasing decisions based on perceptions of significant or impending risks to themselves, their loved ones, or their lives. Many... (Read More)